Why Hunters Wear Bright Orange

While not a hunter, I do spend quite a bit of time in the woods and have learned a few things along the way. Although it is customary to wear bright orange when hunting, one thing that I always find amusing is when deer hunters go out in a whole camo set-up, thinking they will hide from the deer better this way.

Wearing camo is not necessary; in fact, it can be more dangerous than anything else. Not wearing the bright orange may lead to an accidental shot going off in your direction. The reason that camo is unnecessary is that deer are red-green colorblind, meaning they can not see reds and oranges; it is all green to them. You will be just as camouflaged wearing the orange vest as you would be wearing the camo one. Camo was designed to hide from humans and was never meant to be used as hunting gear.


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