Max and Odihnn
My first name is Maxdihnn, and it is a combination of the names Max and Odihnn, most commonly written Odin. My mother liked the name Max, whereas my father liked the name, Odin. Max is a name a majority are familiar with; however, Odin is something that surprises most.
While many might not know who Odin is, most people will recognize the names of his sons, Thor, and Loki, from the Marvel universe. Odin, Thor, and Loki are all figures of Norse mythology, where Odin is seen as the All-Father. Compared to someone in Greek mythology, Odin is like Zeus.
Odin is quite the character in Norse mythology, being the God of wisdom, war, and much more. Also, Odin only has one eye, giving up the other one so we could “see” into the future.