My First Tattoo, A Gungnir


Yesterday, September 23, 2021, I finally got my first tattoo (see right). I got the spear Gungnir on my left forearm. Gungnir is the spear of Odihnn, who I am named after. I got this tattoo done at Stone Arch Tattoo in Minneapolis by Jack Gribble and could not be more excited about it. Being my first tattoo, I did not know what to expect, how long it would take, or how much it would hurt. Well, for one, it hurt. I do not understand what people are talking about when they say it does not hurt.

Sure, some areas are not as bad as others, but it is all painful but worth it in the end. As for the length, it was over in less than an hour. Gribble was able to do the outlining in around 30 minutes, and the color took about 20 to 25 minutes. The whole thing experience was incredible, and I could not be more thankful for my first tattoo. That said, I plan on getting more and more, but we will just have to wait and see how that turns out.


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